Avantgardens. Back To The Wild
Wheelbarrowing orangutans at the International Animal Rescue center in Ketapang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia.
These baby orangutans are being cared for at this center, and are being taken by wheelbarrow from their night cages to a forest play area where they will spend their day learning skills to survive in the wild.
A similar image appeared here in June 2014
I'm repeating that post, because Laurie McPherson who made the comment below also sent me the photo above.
I don't know which came first, the photo, the painting, or whether it's common practice in zoos to cart the babies this way.
Kristiva Stack send me a link to this image and wrote:
Hi Sandra, I saw this and thought of you. It's a mural by Ernest Zacharevic that I saw here: http://www.thisiscolossal.com
It would be so cool to come across this in person. You would have to be in Malaysia. :-)

Laurie McPherson posted a photo of that for me in January 2016, and wrote "It's not a barrel of monkeys ... it's a BARROW of apes." Nice.
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