Friday, March 16, 2018

Painting of her father's wheelbarrow

Eileen Mahowald:
When we bought my father's home and he later passed away we hauled at least 6 dumpsters away. He fixed things with motors and wheels and loved to garden too. Many of my sibling came to claim things and I was glad. I had long before painted a picture of his wheelbarrow by the shed. I had so many lovely images of my dad and the six peach pits he set in the ground on the sunny side of the house had 3 ft peach trees. Precious treasures 💚 I love that😊

Here it is! drawn/painted 1990. At a later date he titled it, "Man's Treasure" the wheelbarrow is laying down.
The original comment was made in 2015 under something I wrote about my own packrat tendencies. Not about a wheelbarrow, but about my collecting, and angst. Now (this blog shows) I'm collecting images and information about wheelbarrows (and thereby about geography and history and art).

Friday, March 2, 2018

Ice, Rotterdam

Iceballs made by freezing water balloons.
Photo sent by my friend Tes, in Rotterdam, during a cold winter in The Netherlands.