Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Saturday, January 4, 2020

German collection of wheelbarrow re-purposing ideas

18 coole Schubkarre Repurposing Ideen für wunderschöne Haus und Garten-Dekor

I found this in German, but it might originally have been in English, or at least some of it. Or the ideas might be from all around. The house number shows part of an American flag, coinciedentally, in the background.

Click the link above to get to those images, but two purposes there have been reported here, too—the firepit, and the sand box. And the planter ideas are everywhere; the world and this blog are full of them. It's a beautiful re-use.

These two images are from this blog (and they're links), but the other images are at the article I've linked.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Winfarthing, Norfolk

Winfarthing, Norfolk
The horse and dog are pretty artsy. I know the man. But clearly this is a photo of a wheelbarrow.

photo by Cathy Koetsier,
who usually does that work herself